Meg’s Restaurant

Hey friends Open-mouthed smile How was everyone’s Wednesday? Personally, I cannot believe that it is Wednesday already. Of course, the week that you wish would crawl by slowly (for extra study time) speeds past like no other.

Today wasn’t as stressful as I anticipated it to be. Since it is the day before my clinical midterm, I was stressing about fitting study time in. Stressing was so unnecessary (of course, isn’t it always?) because it seemed like everything worked out to my advantage Smile

My morning class, food science lab, was suppose to take the full three hours, but somehow my group and I cruised through it and were done within two and half hours! I was so happy Smile This meant that I got to go to the gym earlier which lead to me being able to do my errands in between classes instead of after class at 3:30 (major bonus!) Another bonus? My last class of the day only went until 3:00 instead of 3:30; honestly, it was like time was on my side today Winking smile It was great.

As promised, I have a new workout for you all to try! Smile I did it today and loved it. It is a quad focused leg workout that I will be doing routinely every Wednesday. I like to focus on quads one day of the week and then hamstrings and glutes on another leg training day.

I seriously don’t know where all of this ferocious energy is coming from lately, but I have been able to push myself like never before Winking smile It’s quite amazing. I just kept piling on the plates for my leg presses today and was quite amazed with myself!

This is what my workout looked like today:

Remember to warm up and cool down when exercising!

Exercise Sets Reps
Goblet squats 5 5
Back squats 5 12, 10, 8, 8, 6
Leg press 4 10, 8, 8, 6
RDL’s 5 12, 10, 8, 8, 6
Superset 1    
Bulgarian split squat 4 10, 8, 8, 6
Jump squats 4 10
Leg extensions 3 8

I finished with 8 rounds of jump rope tabata intervals! This will definitely get you sweating Winking smile I would usually throw in some core exercises at the end, too, but my abs were still feeling my workout from yesterday, so I gave them a rest Smile Even though many of us forget from time to time (including myself!), our abs need rest too – just like any other muscle group Smile

So there you have it, a new workout to get your sweat on Winking smile Let me know if you give it a whirl. I will be doing it next Wednesday, so maybe someone will want to be my long-distant gym buddy? Winking smile haha

I also promised you all a pumpkin recipe Open-mouthed smile But guess what!? Thanks to my creativity in the kitchen… you get two new recipes today Open-mouthed smile My supper turned out fabulous and I should be harmed if I didn’t share it with you all! It’s definitely a keeper!

First thing first though, the pumpkin recipe!

For quite sometime now, I have been wanting to try “baked oatmeal”. Leanne’s creations always look so amazing! She has so many different varieties of baked oatmeal it’s incredible. However, I want my breakfast right now when I wake up. None of this baking in the oven for 25 mins! I can’t wait that long! Give me food now! So, I was determined to develop a microwavable breakfast bake Smile And I was quite successful in doing so Winking smile Give it a try and let me know if you agree!

Microwaveable Pumpkin Oat Bake

1/4 cup egg whites

1/3 cup oats

1/3 cup pumpkin

1/2 scoop vanilla protein powder

1 TBSP flax meal

baking powder


Combine all ingredients together in a bowl.

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(I separated the recipe into two different bowls, so I would have two little muffins Open-mouthed smile)

Microwave for 1 1/2 – 2 mins. (microwaves vary, so you might need to experiment. Goal? Heat until cooked.)

Finished product:

Beautiful, tasty, and filling oat bakes!

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These two lovelies and a side of scrambled eggs completed my breakfast today Smile

The next recipe I am about to share with you all will most definitely make my Dad envious and escalate his excitement for his upcoming visit Winking smile (Don’t worry Dad, I will make this for you when you are here!)

I began with a beautiful black cod fillet that caught my eye at the market Smile (I couldn’t pass it up! Look at that fillet!)

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I marinated it in the following recipe for 1 1/2 hours (you do not need to marinade for this long, but shoot for at least 30 minutes!)

Miso Soy Marinade

1/4 cup soy sauce

2 TBSP miso paste (I used the white variety)

After marinating, place on baking dish. Top with minced ginger. I use the ginger paste pictured below Smile 

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It looked good enough to eat and wasn’t even cooked yet! Winking smile

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Just imagine my excitement…

Bake at 425 degrees for 15 mins or until flakey and cooked throughout.

I served this along with sesame roasted asparagus:

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Oven Roasted Sesame Asparagus

1 bunch asparagus

2 tsp sesame oil

Coat asparagus with oil and bake at 425 degrees for 10 – 15 minutes.

This was the best dinner that I have made for myself in a long time Smile It seems as though my breakfasts get all of the attention and the other meals are a little more simplistic and not as creative Winking smile Even though this meal was extremely tasty and one could compare it to that of a high end restaurant (IMO), it was incredibly easy to prepare, so it was the ideal dinner to make for myself while studying for exams Smile

I kind of went picture happy…

So, here is some food porn for all of you to enjoy Smile

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I could go on forever; aren’t food pictures the best!? But, I have to get back to my studying and also squeeze in a chat on the phone with my Daddy before bed Open-mouthed smile (I have already talked to my Mom on the phone four times since she has been home from work which was 2 1/2 hours ago…)

Good night lovely friends of mine Open-mouthed smile Enjoy the rest of your night Open-mouthed smile


What is your favourite way to prepare vegetables? I haven’t roasted asparagus is such a long time! It was such a treat for me tonight! I usually steam…
What was the last “good enough to be served in a restaurant” meal you created for yourself?
Have you tried any workouts of mine? If so, which ones? What did you think?

About Meg (A Dash of Meg)

Hello, my name is Meg. I am a 20-year-old passionate Foods & Nutrition student on my way to becoming a Registered Dietitian who loves food, cooking, fitness, seafood, and a nice cup of tea.

Posted on October 26, 2011, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 28 Comments.

  1. I’ve bookmarked this salmon recipe! It looks so good. I love roasting my veggies, and they have to be fresh.

  2. Those pumpkin bakes looks AMAZING! I wish I wasn’t allergic to oats 😦 Ahh well, I’ll have to find an alternative because I must make those!
    Oh and for the record, I’d totally come to your restaurant heehee 😉
    Have a nice Wednesday night my dear!!

  3. Meg’s Restaurant is right! Both of those dishes sound and look amazing! 🙂 Roasted veggies are usually my thing but I’d like to start steaming more!

  4. It sounds like your workout kicked ass today! That’s awesome. I had a really good lower-body workout today too! I love that feeling.
    Aren’t oatmeal bakes amazing?? I love them! And yours look delicious.
    Best of luck on your midterms tomorrow! You’ll do great- don’t stress!

  5. Um okay I don’t even eat fish and I still think that looks good! I have always shied away from fish because of the whole “fishiness” factor. I heard cod isn’t very fishy though so maybe I will give it a whirl someday! I love roasting veggies! I steam sometimes too but I definitely prefer roasted.

    I have tried two of your workouts now – the leg one from last week and your current back and bicep routine. I have loved both of them and can’t wait to try this one next week! I can’t really work legs the next few days because I have a race on Saturday and I can’t have any muscle soreness! Good news is – it’s my last race for the year so it’ll be strictly strength training for the next few months!

    Have a good night!

  6. That pumpkin bake looks amazing … I have to make that for breakfast asap! : )

  7. seriously making that oatmeal bake tomorrow in the microwave because my oven is broken. perfect timing!!

  8. that microwave pumpkin oat bake is perfect to make in my dorm room! i gotta try it out 🙂

  9. Chef Meg Can I fly you out to Arizona and have you come cook for me please? 😉

  10. Yay for dropping the reps from set to set! How did you like it?

  11. OOH a quads workout! I can’t say I do much in the way of heavy lifting, but I do still need to strength-train my lower body this week! (I tend to put it off hahaha) so I will DEFINITELY try this (or some lighter-weight variation haha), it looks pretty beastly 😀

    I agree, when I want my breakfast, I want it NOW! I usually work out before breakfast, so it’s pretty important that I refuel fast – and this. is. perfect. I am going to try those oat bakes this morning!

    Wow I’m glad I read your blog this morning, I’ve got my workout and my breakfast all cut out for me!

    good luck on your clinical exam!!! I know with so much less stress you will ROCK it! 🙂

  12. Ok chickie…Im printing out some of your workouts. Taking them to the gym today. New routine. lawd help me…routine. Im a good-but bored weight lifter who has pipe dreams about running. (I ran a while back but prefer to lift-but want to run…does that make sense?) LOL

    Thanks for all your info–
    Ahhh mazing food pics 🙂

  13. mmmm that oat bake looks and sounds delicious!! And so quick and easy. I love those kind of recipes. Perfect for when I am in a rush or want somethign super quick 🙂

  14. That fish looks bangin’! I am always so impatient and never marinate it long enough, but it looks like it is so worth the wait.
    Also, those oat cakes look yummy, a good portable breakfast! Thanks for the recipes guuuurl!

  15. Great recipes! I need to buy some fish next time I go to the grocery. It cooks so fast and it’s easy to make too! 🙂 Great source of protein, if I may add. 😉

    I am nervous about an upcoming anatomy exam…college is great, but it’s stressful sometimes!!

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