Pumpkin Piggy

Hello friends Open-mouthed smile How are all of my wonderful readers today?

I’m posting much later than usual tonight…

Studying is taking over my life. Thanks midterms Smile But, I have to say… it’s so much better studying for exams this year compared to last (and the year before that). As my Dad says, this year I am in the “meat and potatoes” of my program; meaning that I am actually learning about what I am interested in Winking smile It’s quite difficult to study for courses you really don’t have any interest in at all… (chemistry, I am referring to you!)

For every spare moment of my time today, I have been studying for my upcoming midterm which takes place this Thursday. I got so much studying done today (much more than I ever thought I would accomplish), but I have to call it a night. I began the lecture on bariatric surgeries and it was just too much to handle this late at night… I am surprised I have lasted this long, but lately I have found that studying later in the day is more beneficial for me Smile Last year it was the total opposite.

So take a look at this!

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That was the ginormous can of pumpkin that I was worried about spoiling…

I would say there is a 1/3 of a cup left in there? Winking smile Perfect. Just the right amount for breakfast tomorrow… (hint hint: recipe coming for you all!) Open-mouthed smile

I have enjoyed quite a few new pumpkin recipes from that lovely can of E.D. Smith’s pure pumpkin puree and I am honoured that I inspired fellow readers to create some fun recipes of their own Open-mouthed smile Check out Abby’s version of Pumpkin Chili here! I am quite impressed with her addition of jalapeño’s Winking smile 

Since my last recipe involving pumpkin, I have enjoyed another that must be shared Open-mouthed smile Some of you may have already come across it as I totally copied it off of Angela, but if you haven’t checked out her blog lately… here’s the most wonderful chia pudding I have ever had! Smile

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I enjoyed my version with banana slices on top Smile

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Pumpkin Chia Pudding
from Oh She Glows

1/2 cup almond milk

1/2 cup pure pumpkin puree

1 oz. chia seeds

1/2 scoop vanilla protein powder

Combine together and let sit over night! Enjoy with toppings of you choice Smile

This was definitely a tasty treat, but I am really excited to share another pumpkin lovin’ breakfast recipe with you tomorrow Open-mouthed smile

After tomorrow I will be out of pumpkin Sad smile I must buy more, so I can experiment with some other recipes that I have yet to try Open-mouthed smile These recipes include:

Whole Meal Crustless Pumpkin Pie

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffin

Pumpkin Socca

If you have tried any other amazing must-try pumpkin recipes this year, let a girl know Winking smile 

Enough about pumpkin… let’s get to the braggin’

haha, just kidding, but seriously I need to share with you all that I did my first unassisted pull up today Open-mouthed smile It was back and biceps day today and I definitely let the wild animal out of it’s cage today if you know what I mean Winking smile haha! A wise friend of mine has recently told me that sometimes you just need to tell yourself “that you can” and pick up that bigger weight and just do it. I love the advice and it’s definitely proving true Winking smile I increased my weights for almost each exercise today. It felt wonderful. Best back and biceps workout I have ever had. Ever.

So, that’s my advice for all of you today (stolen from my dear Tara)…

Just DO IT Smile 

This can apply to many things in your life; not just exercise and picking up a heavier weight! I used it at school today as well (nerd alert!) I often tell myself that I can’t work at school and that I am only productive at home; however, today I grabbed my books, told myself I just just going to do it and I busted out an hour and a half of solid studying Winking smile Look at what the power of thought can do! Amazing isn’t it!? Tell yourself you can and you will!

See you all tomorrow with a new recipe (involving pumpkin) and a new workout to work those quads like you’ve never before Winking smile (hopefully I don’t let you down!)

Good night sweetums!


Best pumpkin recipe you have tried this season?
Do you believe in the power of thought?
How many cans of pumpkin have you gone through this fall?
Have you met any fitness goals recently?

About Meg (A Dash of Meg)

Hello, my name is Meg. I am a 20-year-old passionate Foods & Nutrition student on my way to becoming a Registered Dietitian who loves food, cooking, fitness, seafood, and a nice cup of tea.

Posted on October 25, 2011, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 24 Comments.

  1. Oh pumpkin, I can’t get enough 🙂 I’ve been eating it like crazy over here, I’m surprised I haven’t turned into one haha I’ve probably gone through about 8 cans since September…no shame! And the pumpkin recipe I’ve been loving most is either pumpkin in smoothies or the roasted seeds mmm
    Looking forward to the recipe!

  2. I just found your blog via The Athletarian–nice work on the pull up! Those things are tough; you’re a beast! 🙂

  3. WAHOOOOO!! Unassisted pull-up! Serious wild animals right there! So proud of you, girl!

    I haven’t made many pumpkin-inspired dished but I did love Angela’s mac and cheeze sauce! Had it with some noodles and it was delicious! I haven’t bought chia seeds in a while but I want to get back on the chia pudding wagon so I’m definitely going to try that recipe!!

    Happy studying!

  4. Thanks so much for the shout out love! 🙂 My favorite pumpkin creation is topping protein pancakes with PB2, pumpkin, and cinnamon! I also really like pumpkin protein frosting. Both are super simple and tasty! I totally believe in the power of thought. Some days it is more present than others but it definitely works!

  5. nice job on the pullup girl! that’s awesome. i picked up heavier dumbells for my squat presses today 🙂

  6. WAY TO GO MEG!! You rock!! I think you’re right about the power of thought… something I definitely need to work on (that and working towards an unassisted pull up… def not quite there!!)

  7. Pumpkin serious has to be the most versatile vegetable EVER! I finally bought a can of pureed pumpkin today! I can’t wait to use it!

  8. Congrats Meg!! I cannot wait to be able to say that I could do one pull up. Loads of work and I’ll get there 😉

    Pumpkin Chia Pudding is in the fridge right now for tomorrow morning 🙂 Thanks for sharing the recipe. I have been snooping around her blog and she has some great recipes!

  9. Congrats on the un-assisted pull up! That is so awesome!
    I tell myself to “Just Do It” on a daily basis and it never lets me down. I’ve come to realize that the things I dread doing the most, usually have the best payoff. Not to mention, I feel amazing once I’ve accomplished them!
    That pumpkin-chia pudding sounds amazing! I just bought another can of pumpkin today so hopefully I’ll have some new, exciting recipes to share soon!

  10. YAY for unassisted pull ups!!!!!!!!! well done 🙂

  11. I *just* discovered “chia pudding” yesterday! I saw it on Andy Bellatti’s facebook (I don’t know if you follow him or not… if you don’t – you’d love him!) He said you can just soak chia seeds in liquid in a 1:3 ratio and let it sit for at least a half hour. He suggested using coconut milk… I used water because it’s what I had!

    I ended up mixing it with whey & frzn blueberries postworkout but he had a whole bunch of suggestions! (fruit, cacao nibs, pumpkin spice :D)

  12. YEAAA congrats on the pullup!!!!! I remember one time when I ran cross-country we had a lifting session and “pull-ups: maximum you can do” was on the list…..none of us could do one! runners and our weak upper bodies hahahah. But YES to the power of thought – sometimes you have to “fake it till you make it” – like tell yourself you can do something even if you don’t really believe it – eventually you’ll believe it (and do it)!

    I’m all about the pumpkin lately too – we’ve got three big cans of Libby’s in our pantry, and my sister and I are literally putting it in EVERYTHING – cereal/yogurt mixes, smoothies, chilli, soup, muffins & bread….it’s kind of an unspoken competition of who can use it more and therefore get more of it to themselves hahaha.

  13. Yumm, pumpkin!
    The best pumpkin recipe I’ve tried this season has been the pumpkin spice latte I kind of threw together. So creamy and spicy and fall-y and delish.
    I think I’ve probably gone through about six cans already 😡 oops!

  14. I graduated last year from my undergrad but am working on my masters part-time while working full-time. I have a midterm this Saturday so I feel your pain. School is never fun!

    That recipe looks delish! : )

  15. Great job on the unassisted pull-up! That’s awesome. Mind power makes a big difference!

    The best pumpkin recipe I’ve tried is a pumpkin spice latte. But I don’t do a lot of pumpkin. (I know, bad food blogger!) I did make Angela’s pumpkin mac and cheese and that was really good.

  16. I’m slacking on the pumpkin recipes this fall… :-/
    I’ve got the canned pumpkin, just lacking the motivation of whipping something up with it.

  17. I think I’ve gone through about 3 cans of pumpkin, which is amazing for me lol I am a cheapo, so I hate going through food so fast that costs a lot. I try to ration it out to save it for a bit! Now when it comes to peanut butter though, there is no such thing as rationing 😉

  18. I’ve probably gone through 2 cans so far…but I have about 5 left in the pantry! I always feel the need to stock up when I see them at the store, because there is always a shortage and whatnot!

    I haven’t tried too many recipes so far, but I love pumpkin pie and pumpkin cookies. Can’t wait to make them!

  19. I just made some pumpkin pancakes recently, yum! I think it is a toss up between how many cans of pumpkin I have through verses how many apples I have had.

  20. Aww thanks for the shout-out! I’m so glad you listened to my advice – I knew you were stronger than you were giving yourself credit for 🙂

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