How I Got Here

Good eve friends! Smile I hope everyone had a fabulous Tuesday as each and every one of you deserve every day to be wonderful Open-mouthed smile

Once again, I thank you for all of the wonderful comments after last night’s post Smile All of the supportive and loving comments made me even more excited and confident to write tonight’s post Smile

This weekend I began to notice some pretty significant things. The things I began to notice are the many positive changes I have made in my life Smile Some changes are very recent and others are not, but each positive change should be recognized and celebrated Smile

A life of positivity and healthfulness should always be celebrated Smile

Celebration can take place in many different forms, but this weekend I decided to reflect on many of the recent positive changes that I have made in my life and try to understand how I made these changes. Since one of my all time dreams is to help others live a healthy fulfilling life, I will be sharing some of the strategies that I have used to get where I am today Smile A positive and healthy life.

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Some changes I reflected upon this weekend are more personal and specific to something that was challenging me for one reason or another. An example being tofu. For some reason, not sure why, but tofu would give me anxiety after consuming it. I guess it was something different and out of my comfort zone, so ED would make me freak out a little…

When I experience feelings like this I don’t step away from the situation and avoid whatever is giving me grief. I face it and deal with it directly.

I found this tofu and fell in love with it. Despite the magnificent smoky flavour and the various meals I could create with it, I would get those funky ED thoughts after each time I ate it.

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(I realize some of you may not be able to relate with anxiety towards tofu, but like I said, some of the changes I noticed and will be talking about are personal and specific)

I learnt a strategy it treatment that really helps me in a variety of situations, so I will share it with you in hopes to help those of you who are in need Smile

When something gives me anxious or uncomfortable feelings I learnt to continue doing or eating what ever is bothering me until it doesn’t bother me any more Smile So, what I did in this particular situation with the tofu was having it for one meal each day until I felt good about having it Smile Since I am recovered, the process doesn’t take long anymore. After two days in a row of having tofu I told my Mom “what was a challenge is a challenge no more!” Smile I love putting myself into situations that ED makes me feel uncomfortable in because I know whatever feeling or thought I am having is wrong and I will be OK.

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Mediterranean Quinoa and Tofu Stir Fry

2 oz. extra firm/firm tofu (I used my smoked tofu because I love it best)

1/2 cup egg whites

1/2 cup quinoa

1 – 2 cups spinach

1/3 – 1/2 cup homemade marinara

Heat up skillet, add egg whites and begin to scramble. Add remaining ingredients. When heated through and spinach is wilted, remove from heat and enjoy Smile

Another challenge all of you (who have been following along) are familiar with is the success I have had with my new bed time snack Open-mouthed smile An accomplishment I noticed which is related to my bed time snack has to do with time.

The media is really influential and constantly feeds us information that isn’t entirely true…

Seriously, is there any proof that one should not consume anything after a specific time of night? Uhm, no. False, false, false.

Fact: I have ate my bedtime snack at various times (right before bed, an hour before bed, etc.) and guess what? I am still me. I didn’t gain weight over night (I haven’t gained any weight since having a larger bedtime snack at all actually), I can still see my abs (therefore, all of the information fed to us about gaining abdominal fat if we eat late is false), and I feel better about myself when I eat closer to my bedtime than not.

The new accomplishment I noticed is that I am able to keep my eyes off of the clock and not be so anal about when I eat my bedtime snack. When I first started having a larger bedtime snack (which I am actually working on increasing – will be discussing this later this week) I made sure I had it at a specific time. No later. Why? ED! Of course, I didn’t realize that it was ED enforcing this upon me until one night during my student council meeting…

My student council meetings begin at 7:00 pm on Sunday nights. One of the meetings a few weeks ago was running late and all I could do was stare and the clock wondering when I would be home to have my bedtime snack. Crazy, I know. However, after this Sunday’s student council meeting I didn’t look at the clock once, I gave my friend a ride home afterward, and I didn’t leap to the fridge for my bedtime snack once I arrived home Smile Nope. I was calm and cool and ate it right before I crawled into my snuggly bed Smile

I overcame being so anal about time by talking with others. I have had friends come to me about evening snacks and I educated them on the fact that it does not matter what time of night you eat, it’s what you eat and how much. I will be focusing my bedtime snack on proteins and fats in order to help my muscles recover while I sleep Smile
Another wonderful thing that helped me get over the “time crunch” revolving around my bedtime snack was realizing that it was a RULE made by ED. Since I do not want any ounce of ED in my life, it was easy to not care about the time I eat my bedtime snack Smile

I think it’s fun rebelling against ED Winking smile


ED shouldn’t even think about messing with meWinking smile

The next recent accomplishment I noticed this past weekend was the control I have during stressful times. Last year during the time of exams, I had a very difficult time sitting and studying. If I sat and studied all day, I felt as though my calorie intake didn’t need to as high as it was. However, I learnt that this was a wrong thought (an ED thought) and corrected myself after some extra discussions with my parents and others who supported me with my recovery.

This year my mind is so much stronger Smile Each day, even rest days or long study days, I consume an adequate amount of calories to keep my body going Smile I listen to my body and know that it needs the same amount of fuel each and every day, even on days of low activity.

I think I accomplished this over time Smile I believe the farther you get in your recovery, the easier things become Smile But, if I was to offer advice, I do know that my muscles are growing even on rest days so I want to supply my body with a sufficient amount of fuel each day so it never thinks I am restricting. I always want to be giving my body an excess amount because I want to see those muscles grow Open-mouthed smile (P.s. my legs are coming along nicely… You can see hamstring definition! It wasn’t there before!)

I really hope talking about how I got where I am today has helped all of you Smile Maybe some of you will be able to use some of the strategies I have used and apply them to your own life? Smile

As always, I am here to talk and offer advice Smile If you have a request for a specific post subject, shoot me an email! Since I am beginning midterms, I may not answer your email a.s.a.p., but I will answer eventually Smile Remember, I am offering advice from experience; I am not a professional.

Before I leave you for the night, I have to share one more recipe! Open-mouthed smile 

Today in Food Science Lab, I totally lucked out and got a total “Meg” recipe!!!! (a recipe I would make at home for myself).

It turned out wonderful and there were absolutely no leftovers Smile Seriously. I went to clean up my dish and there was a tablespoon left and my teacher gobbled it up before I had a chance to grab the dirty bowl! Haha! I call that a success Winking smile

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Wheat Berry Salad

1/2 cup wheat berries

1/2 cup corn kernels

1/2 cup green bell pepper, chopped

1/2 cup red bell pepper, chopped

1/4 cup fresh parsley, chopped (can substitute for cilantro)

2 green onions, chopped

1 Tbsp lemon juice

1 Tbsp olive oil

1/2 tsp dijon mustard

1/4 tsp pepper

Soak wheat berries for at least 6 hours prior to cooking.

Place soaked wheat berries in pot with water (water should be covering wheat berries by at least 2 inches). Bring to boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 1 – 1.5 hours. When wheat berries are tender, remove from heat, drain, and rinse.

Meanwhile, prepare vegetables and toss in large bowl. Combine lemon juice, olive oil, mustard, and pepper to make dressing. Pour over vegetables. When wheat berries are cooked, add to salad. Toss well.

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In Food Science Lab we have a discussion about each recipe. I was so ecstatic when describing my salad. I think I am the only true foodie in my lab… no one else quite had the same excitement as I did Winking smile

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Nor did anyone else take a picture of themselves and their salad Winking smile

Have you cooked with wheat berries before?
Did you find this post informative?
Have you tried smoked tofu before? If so, recipes!?

Have a wonderful night everyone Open-mouthed smile

Love always,


Quote of the Day:

“Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation.”

-Brian Tracy

Something to Do:

Check out Jocelyn’s giveaway! 😀 It’s a good one 😉

About Meg (A Dash of Meg)

Hello, my name is Meg. I am a 20-year-old passionate Foods & Nutrition student on my way to becoming a Registered Dietitian who loves food, cooking, fitness, seafood, and a nice cup of tea.

Posted on October 18, 2011, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 23 Comments.

  1. That food science lab sounds like a blast! 😀 I would be in heaven!
    I agree with you on making the ed voice mad, that’s what got me through recovery too. It kinda became a game– like how much of a rebel can I be at this meal haha It’s fun to shut that dumb voice up fo sho 😉
    I’ve never cooked with wheat berries before but I’m definitely intrigued, I’ll have to hunt for some at the store 🙂
    Have a great night chica!

  2. i LOVE wheatberries. so good. love reading about you rebelling against the ED too! you go girl!

  3. Yay congrats on all your positive changes lately! 🙂

    I’m obsessed with tofu, but I’ve never tried it smoked before. What does it taste like? If you like regular tofu, you should try it with a sunflower seed butter + soy sauce + lime juice sauce. It’s heavenly!!

    Also I can sooo relate about feeling the need to eat at certain time – that’s one nasty aspect of my ED that is still lingering. I just can’t seem to kick the habit! That’s great you were able to though. 😀

    Aww this post is making me miss 2nd year food lab. I wish I were taking it again this year with you! 3rd year food lab is definitely not as fun.

  4. Beautiful post! Love your blog 🙂

  5. you are a true foodie and such a gorgeous and lovely person! you are so inspiring to me 🙂

    xoxo ❤

  6. This recipe is just what I needed! I’ve never tried wheat berries and have been meaning to sit down and find a recipe to use…and you basically plopped one down in my lap! Thanks! 🙂

  7. i’m so happy that you have noticed all of these positive changes! plus, going against ED is totally the best feeling 🙂

  8. So proud of you Meg! 😀
    Love ya!
    Mom and Dad

  9. I always eat right before I go to bed, whether it’s at 10pm or 2am after a night out! I only look at the clock on the days where I eat dinner late – I try to make sure I eat my bed time snack two hours after I have dinner, but some days it’s only 90 minutes. Oh well – hasn’t given me a fat belly yet 😉

  10. Awesome post!! I have to eat right before bed. It may sound weird, but sometimes I actually eat my biggest meal RIGHT before bed. Just because of time! I need to stop being so anal about when I eat in general. I should just eat when I’m hungry, but usually I’m either eating just because it’s time or forcing myself to wait until it’s time!

  11. What a great post! It is wonderful to see how far you have come here! I still have a longgg way to go with this… and would love to just learn to eat when I am hungry!

  12. congrats on the good things happening in your life girl. Beating back an ED has to be one of the most empowering feelings ever. And that lab sounds like so much fun!

  13. Nice to meet you Meg!
    Love your upbeat and positive style =)
    The tofu scramble looks so good!!
    I eat organic tofu but stay away from anything w/ soy protein isolate as it results in a nightmare in my stomach lol!!

  14. HI Meg,

    I’m really stumped on options for each meal and snack. I keep doing the same things and I think it sets me up for binging and feeling bad.

    Like a lunch fallback is always eggs, salad, and yogurt and cereal messes …altogether.
    I just feel like I never know what to eat when each meal and snack time arrive.
    Maybe sometime you can do a list of all the different options you serve for your daily meals and snacks? It might inspire or encourage a little. Thanks.

  15. YAY congrats on all of the progress you’ve made!! a lot of those things are things I’ve struggled with too – especially the bedtime snack one! I usually eat my biggest “meal” of the day before bed – and I see it as my pre-workout fuel cuz I can’t run very well after eating, so I run 1st thing in the AM – so if I go to bed at 10:30 I’ll have my snack at like 9:45….but sometimes I get hungry at 9, or even 8:30 and make myself wait! yup, anal retentiveness right there. But I love that “I think it’s fun rebelling against ED” – that’s AWESOME and totally makes me wanna get in on the fun 😀

    also both recipes = YUM! I’ve never had smoked tofu but it sounds absolutely incredible – and mediterranean flavors are of course my fave, being the italian that I am. I’ve never made wheat berries myself but I’ve had them at the Whole Foods salad bar and they rock!

  16. Girlfriend you’re rocking Ed lately! Way to take control of your life 🙂 Those are some great tips. It feels so freeing to be able to act more “normal” without Ed nosing in every minute of every day. You’re doing so well in recovery, keep it up! Not to mention, keep up those delicious recipes 😀 They look great!

  17. Kim @ Eat, Live, and Blog

    Your food lab sounds like fun! I love my food lab too! I love that I get to try new food everyday and get to make them too. 🙂 I never used to eat before bed because I thought I would gain weight but I am so wrong. If I’m hungry, it doesn’t matter what time it is even if it’s night time. We all need to fuel our body whenever we’re hungry. 🙂

  18. This post is beautiful. Seeing how much you’ve grown and gone outside of your comfort zone is so inspirational. I used to think I should eat less on rest days, as well. But I was so wrong! It’s crucial that we give our bodies adequate nutrients, even on days when we’re not as active. (That’s when our muscles are recovering!) Oh, and congratulations on gaining hamstring definition! That’s awesome, girl.
    I’ve actually never cooked wheat berries before- and I have no idea why! That salad looks amazing and you can bet I’ll be trying it out!

  19. Heck yeah! Get outta here, ED thoughts.
    I do think the “no food after whatever-o-clock” rule is just a way for people who might go crazy with midnight snacking to rein that in. I don’t think there’s any science behind eating at one time vs. another.

  20. I am SO glad you shared this with us!! Thank you Meg. It is awesome that you have learned to overcome your struggles and you’re right! It doesn’t matter what time you eat at night at all. You kick that ED boootay ;D Love wheat berries!

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